An Atlas of Diseases of the Nail
An Atlas of Diseases of the Nail
By Phoebe Rich, Richard K. Scher,Publisher: Informa HealthcareNumber Of Pages: 136Publication Date: 2003-05-28Sales Rank: 923090ISBN / ASIN: 185070595XEAN: 9781850705956Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:
Nail disorders represent a surprisingly large section of most dermatologists’ practice - and can present difficult, sometimes intractable, clinical problems. This new color atlas, co-authored by one of the world’s foremost authorities in the field, provides expert and authoritative guidance on all aspects of diagnosis and management. A comprehensive guide to common nail diseases, the text includes anatomy and physiology of the nail unit, paronychia and onycholysis, nail fungal infections, nails in dermatologic diseases, nails in systemic disease, nail cosmetic chemistry, nail cosmetics: clinical aspects, plus the treatment of nail disorders and nail surgery.
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